Republicans like the police. Not The Police, but police. The Police were too into surveillance and invading privacy, something the Republicans did not like. But they are big fans of the boys in blue, the police.
To Republicans, the police can't do anything wrong. They are the most upstanding and trustworthy people in this country. They uphold the laws of the land and assure equal justice for the entirety of America. No matter if you're white, white, white, or white, the police are on your side.
The fact is that we are in a political landscape that if you are not with us, you're against us. Something W coined when talking about terrorism. But it seems to have trickled down to our own country. The police ended up on the Republican side because they are the epitome of small government and states' rights. They handle all the states' issues and uphold those laws. I feel like the feds are probably a step lower than them.
But the police should be on both sides of the political spectrum. The police are the ones who uphold the laws, not creating them. They have no political affiliation because they most uphold the laws of the land regardless. They should not be a political pawn and should instead be looked into how they attempt to create equality for all Americans.
Things Republicans Like
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Donald Trump
Donald Trump speaks his mind and he speaks his mind at the lowest common denominator. He panders to the fears that the right wing has had for years by going on a crusade against everything they are afraid of. Immigrants? We'll kick them all out. Mexicans? We'll build that giant wall. Muslims? We ain't letting them in our country. Women? Sexy, but men are better.
Speaking to that lowest common denominator has led him to be a front-runner in this 2016 presidential election. But he won't be voted in, America is too smart to let that happen. But there is one other thing that is adding to his appeal that I don't think anyone understands. The appeal of being hated so much by the Democrats.
Democrats hate Donald Trump. He is the complete opposite of what Democrats want and with every complaint against him, every attempt to take him down, every news article from a left leaning source that talks about his xenophobic remarks makes him look better to the right wing. I'd compare it to the love for Tom Brady of the Patriots. The more the opponent's fans hate Tom Brady, the more Patriots fans love him and make sure he is held in the highest light possible. It's all causing a reverse effect.
But imagine what would happen if we actually had President Trump in 2016. He will either be the worst President ever or he will take off his mask and dupe just about every Republican out there. Oh, and while we are at it, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio would be just as bad. At least some Republicans believe in John Kasich or Rand Paul, people who are actually smart and would make a difference on the Republican side.
So let's all thank the media and the Republican party for Donald Trump.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Country Music

You can narrow down a country music song's theme to one of a few categories. Every country music song is about love, guns, alcohol, or sex. Just listen to any song and you'll hear one of these as the main themes of the song. Go ahead and look at the top 10 country songs right now. I'll wait. You can read this 10 years from now and it will still be the same.
But these themes are simple and anyone can identify with them. It's not like Democrats and their rock music about whatever drivel they are talking about. Singing about San Francisco or Seattle or whatever. This music is true to the core and true to the people who listen to it. It's authentic.
But why is it only Republicans like country music? Many Democrats are city dwellers and have never understood why my horses need beer, why I need to take a Louisville Slugger to my lover's car, or why you want to take a ride on my big green tractor. There is little snark in this post because it's true. It's practically a different culture. But maybe we need to take the time to experience each other's way to life to better understand everyone's needs. We can start with music that brings us together.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
White People
Republicans like white people. There is no doubt about that. The Grand Old Party should be renamed to Grand Old White Men. And it's not like they have a hatred for anyone of color, they just don't give a rat's ass. Which is sad, very sad.
It was always about getting the electoral votes in the south, which is predominantly white people. It's the left overs of the Civil War era, the left overs from slavery, and the left overs from a racist political strategy. Want to know what else is sad? It still works in many of those states (see: Donald Trump).
There is a such thing as modern conservatism or modern Republicanism. However, it is consistently trampled by those on the far right wing, your Ted Cruz', your Donald Trumps (socially), your Mike Lees, or most any politician from Idaho. People like Mark Kirk and Charlie Dent who try to work on both sides of the political spectrum, who are highly respected members of Congress and both have some of the highest ratings for Republicans by the NAACP are always shoved to the side for the radical right to push their agenda.
So yeah, Republicans have a long way to go before they stop perpetuating the negative things that have happened to the non-white people of this country. Not only is it bad enough for representation for black people, Muslims are now getting the wrath of the GOP. "The Republican Party is fighting for a freer and stronger America where everyone has the opportunity to achieve the American Dream" is what their website states. What it neglects to mention is [if you're white].
It was always about getting the electoral votes in the south, which is predominantly white people. It's the left overs of the Civil War era, the left overs from slavery, and the left overs from a racist political strategy. Want to know what else is sad? It still works in many of those states (see: Donald Trump).
There is a such thing as modern conservatism or modern Republicanism. However, it is consistently trampled by those on the far right wing, your Ted Cruz', your Donald Trumps (socially), your Mike Lees, or most any politician from Idaho. People like Mark Kirk and Charlie Dent who try to work on both sides of the political spectrum, who are highly respected members of Congress and both have some of the highest ratings for Republicans by the NAACP are always shoved to the side for the radical right to push their agenda.
So yeah, Republicans have a long way to go before they stop perpetuating the negative things that have happened to the non-white people of this country. Not only is it bad enough for representation for black people, Muslims are now getting the wrath of the GOP. "The Republican Party is fighting for a freer and stronger America where everyone has the opportunity to achieve the American Dream" is what their website states. What it neglects to mention is [if you're white].
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
The King of Beers. Only Republicans would like something that calls itself the King. Wouldn't Monarchy be a great system of government here in the United States? It would be just like the days of the Bible and we could have a series of Bushes continue in the White House. How great would that be?
But back to beer. Budweiser is cheap, it has no personality, and it clings onto the past. So there is little left to wonder why Republicans love Budweiser so much. It also loves to play to the lowest common denominator by sounding out how to spell Budweiser. Way to pander to your crowd.
BUD. WISE. ER. (ribbit).
Or as it should be:
If Republicans just wanted to spend a little more money to buy something made AND owned in America, perhaps they should start buying local beers to help small business. That's really all you hear about when they talk about buying things not made in China or owned by Belgians or Brazilians. But once you start talking about taking a little more money from their pockets, it's back to the Bud. No matter how it's sounded out.
But back to beer. Budweiser is cheap, it has no personality, and it clings onto the past. So there is little left to wonder why Republicans love Budweiser so much. It also loves to play to the lowest common denominator by sounding out how to spell Budweiser. Way to pander to your crowd.
BUD. WISE. ER. (ribbit).
Or as it should be:
If Republicans just wanted to spend a little more money to buy something made AND owned in America, perhaps they should start buying local beers to help small business. That's really all you hear about when they talk about buying things not made in China or owned by Belgians or Brazilians. But once you start talking about taking a little more money from their pockets, it's back to the Bud. No matter how it's sounded out.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Republicans love homophobia. Homophobia goes along with a number of other things Republicans like to hate, basically anything that isn't what they* are. But really, what is there to be afraid of? I have not heard one legitimate argument as to how gays effect the lives of any Republicans.
How does marriage effect the lives of Republicans? Let's, "I don't want my children to learn that is okay!" Until you have a gay child of your own and they are living with shame thinking something is wrong with them and they end up committing suicide like so many of them do as teenagers.
How does actually being gay effect the lives of Republicans? Hmm, "I don't want them checking me out, they'll probably give me AIDS!" That's not how that works. And they probably won't be checking you out anyway because they can see the fear on your face as you stare at them intently in whatever public place you are at. Plus Gaydar is a real thing.
"But the Bible..." says what? The Bible says a lot of things. Republicans just want to pick and choose what applies to their lives. Remember that woman from Kentucky, Kim Davis? How many divorces did she have? Isn't that against the Bible too?
There is a proverb that says, "Live and let live". Treat homosexuals like normal people because they are normal people. Irrational fear does a lot of things, as does leaning on sacred text to tell you what you should be thinking or believing. If Republicans can take anything from Democrats on this issue it would be just love everyone as if they were your own family.
*I wonder how many Republicans who hate homophobia are just closet homosexuals, but are afraid to be themselves because they don't want to alienate their families. It's okay to be gay and be yourself, living a lie must be a hard burden to live with. Imagine what you would feel to have it lifted off your shoulders. You can learn all about this at Atheist gay conversion camp.
How does marriage effect the lives of Republicans? Let's, "I don't want my children to learn that is okay!" Until you have a gay child of your own and they are living with shame thinking something is wrong with them and they end up committing suicide like so many of them do as teenagers.
How does actually being gay effect the lives of Republicans? Hmm, "I don't want them checking me out, they'll probably give me AIDS!" That's not how that works. And they probably won't be checking you out anyway because they can see the fear on your face as you stare at them intently in whatever public place you are at. Plus Gaydar is a real thing.
"But the Bible..." says what? The Bible says a lot of things. Republicans just want to pick and choose what applies to their lives. Remember that woman from Kentucky, Kim Davis? How many divorces did she have? Isn't that against the Bible too?
There is a proverb that says, "Live and let live". Treat homosexuals like normal people because they are normal people. Irrational fear does a lot of things, as does leaning on sacred text to tell you what you should be thinking or believing. If Republicans can take anything from Democrats on this issue it would be just love everyone as if they were your own family.
*I wonder how many Republicans who hate homophobia are just closet homosexuals, but are afraid to be themselves because they don't want to alienate their families. It's okay to be gay and be yourself, living a lie must be a hard burden to live with. Imagine what you would feel to have it lifted off your shoulders. You can learn all about this at Atheist gay conversion camp.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Did you know that's what ISIS stands for? Or do you prefer ISIL, The Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. Whatever you want to call them, it is obvious that Republicans love this terrorist group.
And I use the term love very loosely here. If you combine two things Republicans like, war and ISIS, I would say there is an unhealthy love and attachment there. There is a passion that can only be solved by bunker busters and hell fighter missiles from drones. The war boner can not be appeased until there is total destruction and bodies lying on the battlefield.
Now I'm not saying Republicans are completely incorrect. But one becomes so blind-sided by that passion that they neglect to see what cascading effects will occur once that happens. Do you remember the last time someone went somewhere with bombs and didn't think through the repercussions of using said bombs to destroy most of a country and leave people fending for themselves?
ISIS is like something many have never seen before. Many Republicans will claim that we can just go overseas and bomb the hell out of them. When we don't know where they live, they don't wear uniforms, they work in decentralized groups, but they continue to bring havoc where they end up stationed.
So yeah, let's just hit it and quit it. It's the Republican way. Mission Accomplished.
And I use the term love very loosely here. If you combine two things Republicans like, war and ISIS, I would say there is an unhealthy love and attachment there. There is a passion that can only be solved by bunker busters and hell fighter missiles from drones. The war boner can not be appeased until there is total destruction and bodies lying on the battlefield.
Now I'm not saying Republicans are completely incorrect. But one becomes so blind-sided by that passion that they neglect to see what cascading effects will occur once that happens. Do you remember the last time someone went somewhere with bombs and didn't think through the repercussions of using said bombs to destroy most of a country and leave people fending for themselves?
ISIS is like something many have never seen before. Many Republicans will claim that we can just go overseas and bomb the hell out of them. When we don't know where they live, they don't wear uniforms, they work in decentralized groups, but they continue to bring havoc where they end up stationed.
So yeah, let's just hit it and quit it. It's the Republican way. Mission Accomplished.
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