Tuesday, February 2, 2016


The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Did you know that's what ISIS stands for? Or do you prefer ISIL, The Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. Whatever you want to call them, it is obvious that Republicans love this terrorist group.

And I use the term love very loosely here. If you combine two things Republicans like, war and ISIS, I would say there is an unhealthy love and attachment there. There is a passion that can only be solved by bunker busters and hell fighter missiles from drones. The war boner can not be appeased until there is total destruction and bodies lying on the battlefield.

Now I'm not saying Republicans are completely incorrect. But one becomes so blind-sided by that passion that they neglect to see what cascading effects will occur once that happens. Do you remember the last time someone went somewhere with bombs and didn't think through the repercussions of using said bombs to destroy most of a country and leave people fending for themselves?

ISIS is like something many have never seen before. Many Republicans will claim that we can just go overseas and bomb the hell out of them. When we don't know where they live, they don't wear uniforms, they work in decentralized groups, but they continue to bring havoc where they end up stationed.

So yeah, let's just hit it and quit it. It's the Republican way. Mission Accomplished.

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