Thursday, February 4, 2016

White People

Republicans like white people. There is no doubt about that. The Grand Old Party should be renamed to Grand Old White Men. And it's not like they have a hatred for anyone of color, they just don't give a rat's ass. Which is sad, very sad.

It was always about getting the electoral votes in the south, which is predominantly white people. It's the left overs of the Civil War era, the left overs from slavery, and the left overs from a racist political strategy. Want to know what else is sad? It still works in many of those states (see: Donald Trump).

There is a such thing as modern conservatism or modern Republicanism. However, it is consistently trampled by those on the far right wing, your Ted Cruz', your Donald Trumps (socially), your Mike Lees, or most any politician from Idaho. People like Mark Kirk and Charlie Dent who try to work on both sides of the political spectrum, who are highly respected members of Congress and both have some of the highest ratings for Republicans by the NAACP are always shoved to the side for the radical right to push their agenda.

So yeah, Republicans have a long way to go before they stop perpetuating the negative things that have happened to the non-white people of this country. Not only is it bad enough for representation for black people, Muslims are now getting the wrath of the GOP. "The Republican Party is fighting for a freer and stronger America where everyone has the opportunity to achieve the American Dream" is what their website states. What it neglects to mention is [if you're white].

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